Grace Kalimugogo
Title: Director
Location: Kampala
Dr Grace brings deep clinical medical practice (primary healthcare, family medicine and tropical medicine) and has spent over 30 years promoting health and development in Africa, in accordance with the mission and vision of the African Union (AU), whose objectives include promotion of Africa’s political and socio-economic integration and development agenda in the 21st century.
Her experience covers a wide range of medical problems including internal medicine, maternal and child health, tropical or communicable diseases including malaria and HIV/AIDS, non-communicable diseases and medical emergencies. Very importantly as well in this age of the pandemic, she has skills in the response to health and social emergencies in Africa.
Dr Grace brings deep leadership experience of the African Union’s social development agenda. She led the AU continental programs on numerous social areas, including:
- Labour, Employment and Migration;
- Social Welfare including the Family in Africa and vulnerable groups (women, children especially orphans and vulnerable children, people with disability, and older persons;
- Control of Trafficking and Abuse of Drugs in Africa, which is closely linked to other crimes such as trafficking in humans, especially women and children;
- Culture and Sports in Africa.
She has deep experience leading interactions with African member states, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Regional NGOs, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), United Nations Agencies and other international organisations, donor agencies and non-African countries collaborating with the African Union or its member states and other partners involved in supporting development efforts in Africa.
Skills and expertise
- Clinical medical practice
- Promotion of health and development agenda
- Development partner stakeholder engagement
- Conference organisation
- Program budgeting, implementation and monitoring
- Leading teams
- Advocacy and coordination of campaigns
- Capacity building
Sectors of note
Healthcare and development
Social welfare
Bachelor’s in Medicine and Surgery (MB, ChB)
Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTM & H)
Master’s in Family Medicine